Natural Black Malaysian Hair Wigs
Urine is poisonous !!Well actually its not, 95% of urine is water, 2.5% consists of urea and the remaining 2.5% is a mixture of minerals, salt, hormones and enzymes. Toxic substances are being removed from the body through the liver, intestines, skin and through the out-breath. Medical researchers have discovered that many of the elements of the blood that are found in urine have enormous medicinal value, and when reintroduced to the body, they boost the body's immune defenses and stimulate healing in a way that nothing else does.I'm not going to try and convince you about the purity of urine, if you do a search on the net with 'urine therapy' there are many pages describing to process through the body that creates good wholesome urine. In fact its only in the last 50 years that urine has gone out of fashion, it has been highly praised through out history as a natural substance that has many healing properties. One of the biggest users of urine has been the cosmetic industry, traditionally produced by horses, it is used as a skin moisturizer.You've probably heard about how lots of European women don't give a fig about underarm hair or hair on their legs. But many other women are not as accepting of body hair as their European counterparts. And throughout history, women have been employing various techniques to do this: from ancient Egyptian women's use of beeswax and sharp implements to eliminate leg hair up to the modern-day practices of waxing and the use of lasers to achieve a smooth and hairless complexion. Here, we'll take a quick look at some of the pros and cons of laser hair removal and whether it's the right path to take for a more hairless you.Hair is removed via lasers in the following way: a series of low-level laser beams is targeted at hair follicles (or the root of the hair) in certain areas of the body. The hair then falls out and new growth is discouraged. Here are some of the reasons for the popularity of laser hair removal:- Long-lasting results. The laser beams zoom in on hair follicles, either destroying them or significantly disabling them. Thus, hair is a lot slower to grow back and in some cases, they don't grow back altogether.
