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New Lace Front Ladies Wigs
Belgravia individually prescribed combination hair loss treatment courses for male hair loss have two main purposes; a) to block the DHT hormone (the cause of male hair loss) from reaching and destroying vulnerable hair follicles, b) to stimulate and increase the blood circulation that is crucially needed to feed and nurture the existing hair follicles that are prone to the effects of male hair loss. Without a good blood circulation the hair follicles will gradually shrink and die.For a brief explanation of all of the treatments we prescribe for male hair loss as part of our full treatment course programmes, visit the hair loss treatment page. Otherwise, for more detailed information on our male hair loss treatments including you can scroll through the menu bar to the right of this page.As you age and by that they mean anything over forty, the number of active hair follicles decline by 30-50 percent. This all takes place between the ages of thirty and fifty. After the age of forty your hair growth slows down and the strands become thin. The lustrous hair of youth is because they have about 100,000 hairs depending on the color. Blonds have more than redheads.As you mature the number declines to forty or fifty thousand hairs between the ages of thirty and fifty. Hair now does not produce as much oil so the hair begins to look duller.Past forty your hair starts to get drier and more brittle. Well that's the down side. The up side is that at a hair salon there is a whole new array of options.With all the emphasis on wellness and anti- aging, there is more that can be done than ever before.

Full Lace Front Wigs
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