Nice Lace Ladies Wigs
Originally called "Fruit Smack," Kool Aid was invented in the late 1920s, though it wasn't until the 1990s that the soft drink mix gained popularity as hair dye. A cheap yet effective temporary hair dye, using the stuff on wigs works well, as wigs do not require regular shampooing like the hair on your head. Use pink Kool Aid to dye wigs for costumes, theatrical and video productions or to simply change your hairstyle.Double knots are when 2 or more hairs are taken and the hair is hand tied using 2 knots to secure it to the lace base of the wig. Double knots are more visable upon closer inspection which is not ideal for trying to create a realistic hairline, parting or crown section to the full lace wig. On the up side, double knots are more secure than single knots, so shedding is less of an issue with the double knot.
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