Quality Human Hair Lace Fashion Wigs
One thing that a woman should be aware of before deciding to invest in hair extensions is that they are temporary. The extensions are attached directly to the existing hair. Natural growth of the living hair will affect the bonds used and cause them to become loose after an average of 5 to 8 weeks. At this time, the extensions will need to be removed and reapplied. Most allow for reuse of all the hair if it is properly cared for while being worn.Salon applied hair extensions can be done in different ways. The main distinctions are individual and weft. The next distinction is how the extensions are bonded to the hair, glue, polymer, braided in, or other. Individual hair extensions can take several days to apply. As the name implies, each individual strand of hair has an extension applied to it. This is by far the most time consuming and expensive method of having hair extensions applied.Wigs are popular among both men and women, but men's wigs are quite different from women's. Most men wear wigs with the purpose of solving the problem of hair loss. Compared to women's wigs, the men's wigs are in higher quality and ensure comfort to the wearer. Due to the high quality and beautiful texture, hair weaves are popular with men. When choosing wigs, women mainly care about the colors and styles, but do not consider so much about the quality and lifespan. Therefore, most ladies like to purchase cheap but beautiful wigs, which can satisfy their demands.