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Wash your hair with a mild shampoo. Use very little but sufficient to cover hair completely with lather. Use a conditioner to keep hair manageable.Avoid brushing wet hair. This will cause the hair to stretch and finally break. Finger-dry, or use a wide-toothed comb in its place of a brush to lightly remove the knots.Restrict blow-drying your hair. The procedure of blow-drying is harsh on hair as it robs it of moisture.Avoid dyes. Use mehandi (henna) instead as a conditioner and colouring agent.Take calcium extra or drink two glasses of milk a day.Always hold hair dryer away from your hair. Direct air from the hair dryer down hair shaft and not directly into the roots and keep it touching.After a perm, never brush your hair. Instead comb hair gently.Trim your hair once in 7 weeks to avoid split ends.Avoid pulling back your hair closely.Home Remedies for Hair Care1.There are numerous approaches to overcoming hair loss - and no one solution fits all. These could include hair transplants, hair integration (blending real hair with existing natural hair), designing custom-made hair pieces, offering a choice of ready-to-wear hair pieces or addition and topical (external) treatments. A quality hair clinic will have experience in delivering a wide variety of hair replacement solutions. Customers should be able to talk through any concerns and have their issues effectively and immediately addressed. Let's not forget: you are relying on your hair consultant to help recommend the best form of treatment to suit you. It is vital that the consultant is able to knowledgeably discount or recommend the course of action. Furthermore, each client's treatment may vary over the course of time.

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