Remy Peruvian Hair Wig
If you have always had greasy hair then bleach it, this will dry it out, and continuing to use the same shampoo will leave you walking around with hair that resembles a hay stack!As well as our skin and nails, our diet greatly affects our hair. Eating healthily and drinking lots of water will keep our hair strong, healthy and manageable. Whilst we would all love to have hair with a lustrous shine, it is something few of us are naturally blessed with. Rinsing your hair with lemon juice is renowned for leaving a shine, but hair that has been greatly lightened or bleached will never have the shine of a natural color. If this is your hair, you must keep it in the best condition possible and have it trimmed regularly. Regular, deep conditioning can give it an attractive sheen.Be honest about your hair type. Many of us are in denial, and thing we have the hair that we want, rather than what we actually have. However good your hairdresser is, if you have fine, flyaway hair you are never going to be able to have the style of your favorite actress if her hair is thick and full of volume.All this said this is not in any way intended to discourage anyone who feels that this is the option for them. This is the worst case scenario. There are thousands and thousands of chemical relaxing treatments carried out every week and the vast majority of clients are perfectly happy with the results. The only advice I would offer is use a reputable salon preferably one which has been recommended by a satisfied client.
