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As human hair wigs are not sensitive to heat you do not need to exercise special care and caution near appliances with excessive heat like a barbeque etc as unlike synthetic hair wigs these wigs are as tolerant to heat as our natural hair are. Other than actually getting burnt, the wig is as safe as could be. Compared to synthetic hair wigs human hair wigs feel more natural and comfortable. The feel when you touch and see them is comparatively more natural. Now it is very easy to have a new look every day thanks to lovely wigs. Apart from the cosmetic aspects human hair wigs are also comparatively healthier for your scalp as they let the scalp breathe freely.Another very important aspect to be considered is that with human hair wigs the scope of developing an allergic reaction is negligible as all natural products are used.From the past few years, it has been observed that hair colors industry is growing everyday. For so many people, this hair coloring has become a serious business. These hair colors are introduced to the world by some of the heroes of ancient Greece. They used some of the harsh soaps and bleach their hair to get color with honor and courage. When it comes to first century Romans, they are very much interested to have a dark hair. Most of them are using a powerful hair dye which is made from boiled walnuts and leeks.Nowadays, the hair coloring is one of the booming industry, and almost seventy five percent of American women apparently coloring their hair. In earlier centuries, only seven percent of women are using these hair products. The main purpose behind this one is to over their grey hair with their natural color and in most of the times, they do not want to know they would do it.
