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Stress is a leading contributor to hair loss, and not knowing how to manage stress means continuing to experience losing hair. It is imperative to know how to manage stress.Make sure you get enough proteins in your diet. Protein deficiency is one of the leading causes of hair loss, so if you are not eating a lot of foods high in protein, consider changing your diet.You can ruin clothing and sheets when using certain hair treatments, so it is important to use them with care. Let the product dry before you expect your head to contact any of those items.Hair loss can be experienced as early as your twenties and it can make you feel insecure or vulnerable. Learn to accept your hair loss. Hair loss can actually make you look more mature.If you are the kind of guy who liked to express yourself through your hair style, then you may feel quite disappointed after you have lost your hair.As well as the possibility of some of the hair regrowing, as we age hair tends to become thicker so there may be some new growth over time. Annual treatments are advised to take care of the small amount of regrowth that may occur. Also as the laser targets hair in a particular part of its growth cycle not all the hair is affected at one treatment. Therefore a few treatments are needed to catch the majority of the hair in any area of the body.The number of treatments will vary according to how much hair needs to be removed. Large areas can be treated in a fairly short time as, unlike electrolysis which targets individual hairs, laser hair removal treats many hairs at once. The majority of men who use laser hair removal treatments are interested in removing the hair from their shoulders, backs, chests, stomach and around the genital area.

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