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All Natural Remy Styles
Many people especially women resort to all kinds of treatments and styling for their hair which is not short of torture for the tresses. Straightening products, hot curlers, hair dryers, chemical-ridden cosmetics cause hair to become dry and brittle. The following steps can help prevent hair loss:*Keep hair in its natural form: Let your hair breathe in its natural colour and texture. If it is difficult for you to do that then give time in between treatments such as blow drying and other chemical-laden treatments. *Use what suits your hair: Use hair products that are made for your hair type. If you use the wrong product, it might trigger hair fall. When you pick shampoo, conditioner or other hair products, make sure that you are aware of your hair type and problems that you want to tackle.*Method of brushing: Don't run through your hair like there's no tomorrow.While you are waiting for that long hair to crown your head, help your body in making your hair long fast. So please continue reading. 2) Since your hair is essentially a part of your body, a healthy body determines a healthy hair. Do that by keeping a healthy mind, body and spirit. So you listen and do the usual admonitions. Keep your diet healthy. Make sure you eat more of protein-rich foods. Exercise regularly to keep your nutrient- and oxygen-carrying blood in good circulation and make those cleansing glands release toxic materials from your body. Have enough sleep in order for your body to have enough amount of relaxation. Keep your mind off dirty thoughts. Instead, fill your mind with noble and worthy thoughts, and strive for peace. Be at peace with yourself and everyone. Multiply your friends and avoid enmity with anyone. In other words, be happy.

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