A Black Color Human Hair Wigs
In this tutorial, we learn how to style your hair using chopsticks. To start, brush your hair and then combine it into a pony tail. Next, twist your hair and bring it into a bun shape on the back of your head. Now, grab a chop stick and weave it through your hair going in and out of different spots. Make sure you have a strong hold so the hair stays in place. Next, grab the other chop stick and push it straight down diagonally, then attach a bottom piece of hair through it so it stays. When finished, you will have a complete new look that only took a couple of minutes.In India this tradition has been widely used for many years and generations: it can deep condition hair it is also great for hair re growth treatments this very traditional and widely used method has been an elixir treatment for hair growth. It is also very easily available especially in tropical countries. A lot of Indian women use it as a natural hair dye. The henna is mixed with other herbs like gooseberry, coffee and lemon juice. This mixture is a very good cure for Hair Loss Prvention and hair which get damaged. Simply creating some warmth and circulation of blood in the scalp is very effective for reinvigorating the follicles and scalp for this a traditional hair treatment is to mix honey with warm oil and a half table spoonful of cinnamon powder then applying by rubbing into the scalp. Keep this on the scalp for around 15 minutes.