Expensive Human Hair Handtied Wigs
Lace wigs have a special cap beneath the hair, which is made up of thin lace. Its purpose is to give your hairline and scalp a more real look and make it blend. This is attained by hand tying real hair into the lace itself. In fact, some wigs slightly bleach the hair that is at the root so that it appears as if it is actually growing out of the scalp. This is what makes the them so attractive because it is very difficult to detect if you are actually wearing one or not!Hair care:For hair care we always sterns on our shampooing and conditioning, but we ignore other things as well. Other things like brushing, combing, toning, oiling. All these things are equally important to keep your hair fit and sound. We brush our hair harshly; do not follow the right way. Combing is also like that. We dry our hair by rubbing which is a big no for wet hair. So, these small detailing are so much important for a healthy hair. These small but effective effort will save your hair and control the hair fall.Drying:After shampooing, toning and conditioning drying is the most vital step that determines the state of your hair largely. Wrap a towel on your wet hair and wait for few minutes. The extra conditioner and moisturizer will be soaked and now open the wrap. You can dry hair by your finger and sit under a fan. In winter season you can also dry hair sitting under sun. Always towel dry your hair. Do not rub hair harshly or scratch your scalp. Wet hair is very weak and vulnerable so that way of handling can cause hair breakage and hair fall. Hair dryer can be used.
