full lace Human hair

Human Hair Woman Wigs Natural Black Hair Color
After washing your hair the normal way, you can use the lemon juice solution to apply it on your hair as the ultimate rinse. It is highly advisable though not to rinse off the lemon juice. Instead, use a non-fluffy towel which is dry to dry off the lemon juice carefully. You can then style your hair according to your preference. You should remember that if your hair is happens to be the dry type, you can use minimal lemon juice in your natural hair treatment. On the other hand, if it happens to be very greasy, you can use more of the lemon juice for you to obtain the best results.Coconut oil is the most common natural hair treatment even in today's trends. Are you are one of the few women or men experiencing frizzy hair Well, no more as the coconut oil can be implemented to ensure that those curly hairs on your head are eliminated.Weaves or weft hair is sewn onto tracks. The stylist will cornrow the customer's hair and sew the track onto the cornrow. This is extremely popular. This may last up to eight weeks depending upon new growth at which time tightening or re-braiding the client's hair would be done. There is some room for ingenuity depending upon the technique used in sewing. A side part style can be achieved with the braids placed leaving a part on the side, or a pony-tail style can be achieved with the braids placed higher up on the client's head leaving her own hair out so as to cover the tracks. Weaves can be purchased in any of the above types of hair.

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