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Beauty begins on the inside, and long, lustrous locks are no exception. A diet balanced in fruits, vegetables, protein and calcium is a good start, but ask your doctor if adding a supplement is in order. Hair can benefit from iron, which helps oxygenate strands, and zinc, which also aids in growth. Biotin and other Bcomplex vitamins help plump up hair thickness while adding healthy shine. Vitamin D can help keep follicles on a regular growth schedule. Foods and vitamin supplements that feed the hair can also give skin and nails a boost for a complete healthy makeover.First of all, it's important to seek the advice of a fully-trained hair loss or replacement expert. It is not normally in your regular hairdresser's remit to fully diagnose your hair loss problem or prescribe the best form of action. A qualified trichologist will however be able to diagnose your problem and recommend a possible hair loss treatment looking at your condition, and consider various elements of your general health and lifestyle.

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