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Wearing hats often and sleeping on wet hair are both ways that can cause flat hair. Be sure to dry your hair before you sleep, and if you do want to wear a hat, wait until your hair is completely dry before putting one on.The best way to deal with flat hair is to use the products that are intended to add volume to your hair. A root volume serum is a product that is easy to apply and that does wonders for any hair type, and any hair length. Volume serums can easily be found in most general stores, as well as in salons and hair-care studios. Be sure to look for the section of hair products that is customized for your specific hair type. A good root volume serum often comes with a nozzle attached to it. For flat hair, the best way to use this type of serum is to place the nozzle against the roots of your hair and apply directly.However for best results there must be comparatively a bit of difference between the color of the hair and that of the skin.Advantages and Disadvantages of laser hair removal:The greatest advantage in using laser hair removal is that you can remove hair from different parts of the body, except the areas near the eyes. Another advantage in using laser hair removal is that there are no genuine side effects, except having redness in addition to inflammation that do not remain for more than one or two days. On the other hand, you would need more than one laser hair removal treatment to remove all the unwanted hair. Hair removal wax, the inexpensive and popular method:Hair removal wax is the inexpensive and popular method to remove unwanted hair from the armpits, face, bikini, legs, and other parts of the body. The hairs will take three to eight weeks to grow after the treatment.

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