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Sebum is your own built-in moisturizer for the body.Greasy hair is excess of sebum in the hair and comes as a result of an over production of sebum (oil) from over active sebaceous glands, stimulated by hormones called androgens. Androgens are male hormones that are present in both men and women, but are higher in men. Androgens do two things: First, they enlarge the sebaceous glands in the skin. Second, they cause these glands to increase oil production.Because hormones play a role in the production of sebum, one of the causes of greasy hair is fluctuating hormone levels. Greasy hair is most commonly found in teenagers going through puberty, in women because of their monthly cycle or pregnancy, and older women going through the menopause. Stress is also known to affect hormone levels and can therefore be a contributory factor towards greasy hair.Outlook of any one does matter to the way of presentation of that particular person. Thus to enhance the look hair is an important object to be maintaining. If anybody is bald headed or suffering from hair loss problem thus also to him or her hair styling is not a big problem at all. With the advance technologies now the mankind is to be more advance to solve their every problem with perfect solutions. On that discussion wigs for hair is an exceptional idea to solve the hairless problem as well as the better choice to have different style with hair. Hair is the main outer physical extension of human being and they are like to experiment with this to change or enhance their looks.

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