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Causes of Hair LossThere may be many reasons behind hair loss. So it聮s tough to list all of them here. This article will tell you only the major causes which are normally seen.Hormonal Imbalance- One major cause of hair loss may be the hormonal imbalance brought on by something like a thyroid disease. Correcting a hormonal imbalance like the excess of androgens or estrogens could cause hair loss.Genetic- Another big cause of hair loss is the genes being passed on from generation to generation. Pregnancy- Many women begin to lose hairs a few months after pregnancy due to the imbalance in their hormones. This is usually cured on its own several months after the hormones return to normal.Long Illness- Another common causes of hair loss is a long illness or a very stressful period of family strife. Stress can cause many problems with your body with one being the excessive loss of hair.Effective home remedy for hair falling using Amla : Soak dry amla overnight in water. Next morning wash your hair with it. It will strengthen the hair roots and enhance their natural beauty. It is also beneficial for the brain and eyes.http://www.himalayahomeremedies.com/homeremedies_haircare.htmHow to get rid of hair falling - Getting rid of hair fallingNatural home remedy for hair falling using Long cucumber : The juice of long cucumber facilitates thick growth of hair. It contains silicon and sulphur in plenty. Taking mixed juice of cucumber, carrot and spinach also helps in the growth of hair. If anyone of these foods is not available, you may take the juice of the items readily available during the season; This will facilitates thick growth of hair.Diet tips for hair fallingCabbage: Eating 50 gms. of cabbage leaves daily helps in the growth of new hair.

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