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It is estimated that two out of three men and one out of five women suffer from hair loss. It can be very depressing and most affected individuals try to cover up their balding spots with wigs and other camouflage attempts. Some use growth stimulators and hormone inhibitors. Some are satisfied with these treatments, but a lot more aren't. Many find that wigs and hairpieces don't look genuine and take too much time to maintain. Growth Stimulators and Hormone inhibitors on the other hand may be effective, but they need to be taken or used daily. That can take a lot of time, and who has that much time on their hands now a days The only plausible solution is Hair Replacement Surgery. But, is getting hair plugs the right decision for you Read the segments below as they will help you determine whether or not hair replacement surgery is the right option for you. What is Hair Replacement Surgery Hair Replacement Surgery is the surgical procedure of transplanting healthy hair roots into bald areas. As a result, the transplanted hair grows in their new location and the patient is given a semblance of normal hair growth.The first concern is generally hair loss. Hair loss affects 80 million American men and women and while it isn't life-threatening, it can cause emotional distress. Creating a healthy environment below the surface of the scalp, where hair grows is a start. To enhance hair growth with fewer frizzes and easily split ends use lots of protein your diet. Since hair in its basic form is 100% keratin (protein), our diets should consist of a good balance of easily digested protein such as dairy products, poultry, meat, beans and nuts. In addition, massaging your scalp, once a day, while you shampoo will stimulate blood supply to your hair roots and with it needed proteins.

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