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Choose from the Best Hair Loss TreatmentNot only this, there are other hair loss treatment that you can choose to have the effective blockage to the hair fall. Follicular Unit Extraction is one of the top known possible solutions to retard the hair loss. There is a widespread myth that the treatment for hair loss is extremely expensive and everyone cannot afford it, but it's only the false perception. Nowadays, its treatment has become quite affordable. Hair loss in the present scenario is not that big challenge and you simply have to explore the web or consult with the dermatologists to choose the best and most effective treatment.There are advanced treatments available in the market that helps you to get rid of hair thinning. Hair transplantation, restoration and FUE are some of the key treatments that you can opt for, to cut down the rate of hair fall.Dry hair, which is basically rough and thin, happens due to the loss of oil and moisture from hair follicles. There are various home remedies for dry hair which are easy to use and effective. Dry hair is basically rough and thin. It is more prone to damage, tangles, breakage and split ends. It is thicker near the scalp but thin towards outer end. It is common in both men and women. This happens due to the loss of oil and moisture from hair follicles. Dry hair can result from many factors such as exposure to harsh chemicals such as; harsh shampoo, hair dye, chlorine in swimming pool and high mineral content in local water supplies. It can also be caused due to illness, overuse of blow dryers, hair perms, shampooing too often and too much exposure to sun.Those suffering from dry hair can massage their hair with warm almond oil.

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