Afro Kinky Straight Human Hair Full Lace ladies wig
5. Protective hairstyles can also be used to reduce the loss of moisture. To protect the very susceptible hair ends, an up do style such as a bun can be used. It prevents the ends from the friction caused when they are rubbed against the clothes when let out on a regular basis. The friction causes breakage. Also weaves and wigs can be considered. Some cover all the hair while some only cover partially. The idea behind is the similar to the up do hairstyle, it protect the hair from friction from rubbing against clothes and combs and brushes used.Additionally using wigs and weaves will protect heat damage caused by use of flat-iron, curlers and dryers as hair is braided underneath so the use of these would not be needed.Gone are the days when one lived in denial about their hair loss problems. And why should anyone With hair transplantation treatments, one can regain their confidence and drastically alter their personality. You now do not have to be embarrassed about baldness or thinning hair; hair transplantation is a choice that will ensure that you live life to the fullest, and redefine the way your perceive yourself. After all, it is not a superficial treatment that gives you a temporary feel-good factor or a make-over, it will surely permanently alter the way you feel €" you deserve to be happy, don't you