Can You Dye Chinese Remy Hair Extensions
The wig mesh: You need to decide what size of mesh you require your wig to come in; there is small, medium and large. When you get a standard mesh you can have it readjusted or re-sized into fitting your size of head. This is because they come with Velcro that allows it to be adjusted to fit the perimeter of someone's head. You may also consider looking for a custom made wig that is made with your head's specific measurement. The advantage of a custom made wig is that it becomes easier to tie the hair to your specific style and design.You can counter the evils of winter by incorporating a good hair regime and using only quality products for your hair. Product choice is paramount. Look for moisturizing cleansers and conditioners and hydrating stylers and leave in products. Winter Hair Care Tips:Over shampooing and under conditioning are common culprits for dry, frizzy hair. Winter weather further exacerbates the issue. Therefore, shampooing more than 1x a week is not recommended. I recommend shampooing 2-3x a month, for dry and/or damaged hair, and 1x a week for undamaged curly hair with CURLS Curlicious Curls Cleansing Cream. Proper conditioning is one of the most important steps for maintaining a head of radiantly health hair. Unfortunately, most of us do not take the time to adequately do so. Deep conditioning, with heat, is recommended.On the other "shampoo-less" days do a conditioning rinse - rinse hair to remove styling products (this is where using the right products that are water soluble come in....