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If you are suffering from pattern baldness then do not despair as there are some great hair replacement systems out there that work wonders in making your hair look healthy and full once more. These replacement techniques are divided into two broad categories known as stereoscopic follicular uni transplantation, or hair replacement surgery, and hair replacement products such as wigs or toupees. Depending on your situation, one of these techniques will be better suited than the other. For people who are not fond of surgery, then hair replacement products are probably the way to go.This method keeps body hair away for several months and even years. Laser therapy is being increasingly used by women to remove pubic hair as most other methods of hair removal do not work effectively in this area. Women also commonly use laser therapy to remove hair on the other parts of the body. The disadvantage of laser therapy is that it is quite expensive and is painful for some people. It can also be risky especially if conducted by untrained professional or without adequate precautions. Laser therapy works best on fair-skinned people with dark hair. It does not work well on dark or tanned skin. Several sittings are required to get effective results. ElectrolysisElectrolysis is an effective method of permanent hair removal that is in use since several years. This method destroys the hair follicle so that no more hair growth is possible. Electrolysis also helps to remove ingrown hair. However, electrolysis is a time consuming and tedious process especially when removing large areas of hair. This method is expensive, painful and may leave scars if not conducted well.

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