full lace Human hair

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Medications-Both minoxidil and finasteride are clinically proven to re-grow hair. Minoxidil is readily available over-the-counter, so you have the option to treat thinning hair without seeing a physician or needing a prescription. There are side effects-dizziness is one, bodily and facial hair growth is another. Each of us can determine if these apply to us, and whether the benefits outweigh these possibilities. Finasteride is prescription only, and there's a little more of a trick to this-finasteride is strictly for women who have NO chance of becoming pregnant. It is pregnancy category x, meaning that it can definitely result in severe birth defects (deformities in male fetuses). Obviously, with warnings like this, many women need to stay, literally, as far away from the pills as possible (even touching them can cause risks), but there are still a good number of women who are under no risk and may be able to use this medication to re-grow hair.Moreover, you can also dye them anytime you want and they give you a more natural look. What's good about them is that when you touch them, you will love the way they feel in your fingers. It's because they are smooth and are made out of real hair. Furthermore, they are also breathable so your scalp will never perspire when you use them. The disadvantage of these wigs is that they are very expensive and need to be styled after they are washed.

Full Lace Front Wigs
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