Chinese Virgin Unprocessed Virgin Human Hair Weaving
There are several causes of hair loss in men and women but the effect is the same. Most people who suffer hair loss are embarrassed and their self-esteem suffers. Hair loss is not restricted to men, caused by the natural aging process. Other causes include medication, disease, ill-health, hormone imbalance, skin disorders, genetic influences and incorrect nutrition. There are various types of hair loss treatments available.Treatments for hair loss include products that are applied to the hair and scalp like shampoos and conditioners, lotions and oils. Natural alternatives to chemicals and drugs are a popular hair loss treatment for people who want to avoid the drugs and surgical procedures. The ingredients in natural and herbal preparations have been tested as effective in cases of hair loss. There are also prescription medications, natural and herbal products, surgical procedures and wigs.When you first notice excessive hair loss, it is important to see your doctor to have the cause diagnosed. Early diagnosis nearly always improves the success of treatment.Traditional wig-making starts with getting the right measurements of the head of the subject. Most of the time, hair technicians derive hairline patterns directly from the subject's head. In some cases, they even make a replica of the subject's head for reference purposes during the development of a "wig form". Wig forms signify the blueprint of the potential wig. After making the wig form, the hair technicians then produce wig laces. These are the synthetic fibers which represent the artificial hair strands for the wig. The wig laces should blend with the subject's scalp and trimmed accordingly so as to fit the subject's head measurements and expected hairlines.
