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I will comment on why hair gel may contribute to hair lossThis is a question that many folks have. Can hair gel induce hair loss? Well in this short article I will justify why it might cause hair loss and share points with you that might help stop hair lossFirst and foremost it is my thought that hair gel can cause hair loss due to the hazardous chemical substances it contains. It won't have an immediate impact on hair loss but it can have an effect on it.Chemical compounds like Sulphates, ammonia, Phosphates, Sodium Hypochlorite),Lye (Sodium Hydroxide, Phenols and other chemicals.Most of these chemicals are not good for the scalp and hair as they seep into the hair pores and generate damage.The other point with gel is that if you employ it is likely that you are likely to want to rinse it out. And the inescapable fact is that the more you wash your hair with shampoos that contain Sulphates the more the likelihood of stripping out sebum which your mane would need to boost healthy growthHair gel can also clog up hair pores inside the scalp.Lots of people especially men tend to start losing their hair as they age. This in itself can be traumatic but imagine what it is like for some one who is young and experiencing hair loss. Many people when they accept the hair loss make the most of it and gracefully go bald. Others see it as an attractive feature and an asset and show it off. For anyone whose balding and would rather have a full head of hair that makes them look more youthful, they have the option of trying a hair loss treatment. There are many reasons why hair loss can be traumatic for those experiencing it, but one of the major reasons is, many people see it as a sign of aging. A lot of times people who are going bald look a lot older than people their own age that have hair.

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