Lace Weave Hair
Purchasing a wig before your chemotherapy treatment begins is the best way to emotionally prepare for the hair loss to come.Too often, many people make the mistake of waiting to purchase a wig or head cover after or thus having to deal with the psychological ills associated with watching the hair loss occur. Waiting is not recommended for anyone! It is strongly recommend that persons start searching for wigs at least 3 weeks before chemotherapy. This will give you time to find a wig that you are happy with and have it delivered or sized if necessary.When choosing a hair piece, think about the head outline, the features and skin color. Recently, wigs have changed from the noticeable and completely obvious toupees, to normal looking hair which matches with a persons demeanor. The hair pieces purchasable today fit better, are comfortable to keep on and look real. Custom made wigs are nearly always the finest, but they are predisposed to be more expensive than ready made. High feature custom hairpiece wigs are usually finished from human hair. Manufacturers of superior quality wigs, present the equal feel, and firm groupings of the owners hair, guaranteeing that the wig is completely undetectable while worn.
