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People are realizing that image makes a difference in everything from personal confidence and happiness to the type of salary you earn and even to what kind of mate you can attract.Graft placement is the final step in a hair transplant procedure and is generally carried out by the same team of technicians that performed the graft dissection. Graft placement involves placing the grafts into the recipient sites created by the surgeon. If grafts are placed with care and attention, the grafts should grow naturally and well. If grafts are traumatized during insertion, they can grow out kinky or poorly. If they are inserted too deeply, then can create a pitted result. If they are inserted too high vis--vis the surface of the skin, they can result in either a cobblestoned appearance or poor growth. If the hair does not fit the site correctly, e.g., a four-hair graft is placed into a site designed for a two-hair graft, the hair can grow out as a compressed tuft or fall into the site too deeply causing pitting. All hairs have a natural curl. If the curl of the hair is reversed, i.e.7)The more shampoo you use the cleaner you hair will be: FALSEMost people use far more shampoo than they need to. In fact, a dollop about the size of a two pound coin should be enough for medium to long hair. You will need to leave even less if you have splashed out on salon hair products.8)Conditioner can repair split ends: FALSEDespite what you might have heard in the ad break, there is no special formula in conditioner which can repair split ends, even amongst the very best hair products. However, a good quality conditioner will help to improve the appearance of split ends, by smoothing down the cuticle. Conditioner can also prevent the damage to hair which can lead to split ends - a must for good hair care.9)Blow-drying can lead to permanent hair loss: FALSEWhile careless blow-drying can burn or dry out hair, which can make that hair fall out, the hair will start to grow back straight away so no lasting damage is actually caused in most cases.10)For optimum hair care, it's best to brush it for 100 strokes per day: FALSEIf you over-brush your hair you can damage the cuticle and cause split ends.

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