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Hair loss is one of the most common problem that has rooted it self globally. It not only affects men but women are also equally affected. Contemporary medicine has no cure for it. But age-old health science has mentioned various herbs that have proven there worth in retarding the hair loss and improving the hair growth.Hair Loss CausesBelow are the few causes that are the major reasons for hair fall. Diseased or health disturbances Certain medications. Alopecia areata Trichotillomania Use of chemicals on hairs Poor or malnutrition. Disrupted hair growth cycle Male pattern baldness Iron deficiency Contraceptive pills Chemotherapy Infections Indigestion Hormonal imbalances Hereditary factorsHair Loss TreatmentBelow are few of the herbs that are very effective in treating and curing hair related problems Amla amla very commonly known as Amalaki is a very prestigious ayurvedic herb that has the wonderful properties of ayurveda. It is one of the best anti-oxidant agents that not only helps in preventing early aging signs but also is very helpful in preventing premature graying of hairs. It is a magical herb for hairs. Consider the following food choices for breakfast and the other daily meals in order to give you hair the healthiest opportunity to grow and thrive. If you don't have high cholesterol, try eating red meat twice per week. It has the protein your hair needs, but also is full of B vitamins, iron and zinc, which are all important for healthy hair. Bacon is another great choice as its also full of B vitamins, zinc and protein, but since its also high calorie, its not the best choice if youre also trying to lose weight. Eggs and egg whites are another great protein option, especially for vegetarians or those who cannot eat red meat or bacon due to dietary restrictions. Salmon is another great protein choice, and works great for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Youll find its also full of B vitamins, including B12, and other vitamins and minerals. Just be sure to keep in mind that you should also have complex carbohydrates, which feed you energy over a longer period of time than refined carbohydrates, with your protein source at meals. Brown short-grain rice is an ideal form.

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